Manage your contact preferences by selecting how you receive messages (phone calls, emails or text messages).
After logging in to Infinite Campus, from the User Menu

Please keep GENERAL checked as the district and schools use this setting to send messages.
Emergency messages are sent based on the contact information listed.
Attendance messages notify parents/guardians when students are absent or tardy from class.
Behavior Messenger
Behavior messages notify parents/guardians when a student is involved in a behavior incident.
General messages are any messages labeled as general by the district or school. Please keep this setting checked.
Priority messages are messages that are labeled "High Priority" by the person who created the message.
If given rights by the district or school, teachers can send messages to parents/guardians regarding failing grades and missing assignments. Teachers can also send general announcements.
Need help setting up a parent portal account? Not sure if you have one? Having trouble updating your preferences? Email