Amity Interns are one of the most unique characteristics of our school. They serve as global ambassadors of their respective home countries while enhancing and expanding our students' global awareness with cultural exchanges/intercambios culturales. At RSI, Interns also help support Spanish language and literacy development of our students across all grade levels.
RSI will be hosting 10 interns for the 24-25 school year! Any and all support that RSI families give to this program is appreciated and provides a meaningful impact. This can include sharing a meal together to sharing your home. Please click here for more info!
RSI is intentional about growing our student's Socio-Cultural Competence through cultural exchanges. Our Amity program is a manifestation of this in action every day. Amity Inters provide our school community opportunities to share ideas, values, traditions, and other aspects of culture among people from different backgrounds.
We invite you to explore ways for you to support this amazing programing opportunity.
Pictured above: 23-24 RSI Interns Cooking a meal for an RSI family.
Second Picture: 23-24 Amity Interns visiting the Mall of America.