Robbinsdale Area Schools

Important To Do: Pay Your Device Protection Fee Before An Accident Happens

Important To Do: Pay Your Device Protection Fee Before An Accident Happens


The Infinite Campus School Store is used to pay for all school-related purchases and fees, and to purchase device protection plans.

Infinite Campus School Store payment instructions:

Step 1. Login to the Infinite Campus School Store - Robbinsdale Parent Portal

Step 2. Click "School Store" on the left side menu

Step 3. Click the logo of the school your student attends

Step 4. Select the item you would like to pay for (i.e. Device Protection Plan, instrument)

(If you have more than one student attending the school you selected in step three, you will need to select a name from the "Recipient Field Drop Down" menu.)

Step 5. Click the blue "Add to Cart" button

If you have another student(s), repeat steps three through four.

Step 6. Click on "My Cart"

Step 7. Add payment method; VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted

Step 8. Click "Submit Payment"

Device Protection Plans can be paid by check to ISD 281 or through this link:

If you have any questions about timing or anything else related to device collection, please reach out to Sra. Bridge 763-504-4408