ACTION REQUIRED: Complete transportation opt-in survey for 2024-25 school year
ACTION REQUIRED: Complete transportation opt-in survey for 2024-25 school year
Robbinsdale Area Schools (Rdale) is entering the third year of its opt-in transportation system. The past two school years have demonstrated the opt-in system works because it helps decrease the number of routes while increasing efficiency in our transportation system.
Beginning April 15, all families with students enrolled in Rdale schools must fill out the bus transportation survey for the 2024-25 school year. The survey needs to be completed for each student by Monday, May 20.
To fill out the survey, families should log in to their Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. Once logged in, visit the message center, then click surveys. For those who haven’t accessed their Parent Portal account before, Rdale has video tutorials demonstrating how to do so from a phone or from a computer. Families can also contact district support staff with questions about accessing the Parent Portal at
Spanish-speaking families who need individual assistance should contact Brissa Donis at 763-504-8394, Edgar Aguilar at 763-504-8079, or Julianna Strand at 763-504-7680. Somali-speaking families who need individual assistance should contact Fowsiya Dahir a 763-504-8072.
The opt-in survey is an annual requirement for all students – both those who need bus transportation and those who do not, as well as those who receive specialized transportation. Completing a survey for the current or previous school years doesn’t apply to the upcoming school year.
Please note: every student who is eligible for and needs busing will have transportation to and from school.
If your situation changes, families will be able to make changes to the opt-in form at any time by contacting our Transportation Department at