Robbinsdale Area Schools
Immersion School

Magnet Lottery

Kindergarten Magnet Enrollment Process

Families interested in enrolling their incoming kindergarten student in a magnet school are required to complete and submit an application. Families who have an older student(s) currently enrolled at RSI, SEA or FAIR School Pilgrim Lane must also complete an application for their incoming kindergarten student; siblings of currently enrolled students, who meet the application deadline, will receive a seat through the sibling preference policy. 

If the school has more applicants than space available, new kindergarten students will be selected by lottery.

Kindergarten Magnet Lottery Application

Family Financial Determination Form

A certain number of seats are reserved for families who meet specific income guidelines. If you are unsure of whether you qualify, we encourage you to complete and submit the form.

Children who reach their 5th birthday on or before September 1 are eligible to enroll in kindergarten for the school year. Magnet school applications are due in February.

December 2, 2024: Magnet school applications available
February 21, 2025: Magnet school applications due
March: Magnet school lottery results announced
May: Kindergarten information and registration night at neighborhood schools
August-September: Elementary school open houses/information nights

Questions? Email

Elementary Enrollment Process

Robbinsdale students in grades 1-5 can submit a school transfer form for possible admission. Prospective students residing outside the district can submit an open enrollment form for possible admission. According to Administrative Procedure 509AP, Enrollment Options, new students requesting entrance to RSI must have prior language immersion experience or demonstrate grade level language competency. Typically, new students are able to demonstrate grade level language competency if they are transferring from another immersion school, have a native Spanish speaker in the family or have an extensive Spanish background.