Robbinsdale Area Schools
Immersion School


RSI offers several before and after school activities for students including Destination Imagination, Math Masters, Junior Great Books and more.

Chess Club

RSI has one of the largest school chess clubs, with hundreds of students who participate each year! Students in grades K-5 are invited to join. Students receive 24 weeks of instruction, snack, access to and club jersey (or one complimentary SCA tournament entry fee). Chess club meets on Fridays after school, usually October through May.

For more information, please email The head coaches are Dana Litman (612-770-3705) and Johnathan London (763-546-1293).

Community Ed Classes

Check out additional after school activities through Community Education: Registration Website

Financial Assistance for Community Ed classes available here: Scholarship Application Form

Interested in running a class through Community Ed at Robbinsdale Spanish Immersion? Have a question about one of the Community Ed classes? Reach out to or 763-504-6990

State chess tournament, RSI group photo